Last time, I wrote about a New York Times article, by John Schwartz, “More Delicate Diplomacy for the Overseer of the Compensation Fund,” describing Kenneth Feinberg’s recent swing through Louisiana in his work as administrator of the BP claims fund. Feinberg’s work is often described as that of a mediator, which may be in a […]
Salesman, Politician, Mediator
In yesterday’s New York Times, John Schwartz’s article, “More Delicate Diplomacy for the Overseer of the Compensation Fund,” described Kenneth Feinberg’s swing through Louisiana. Feinberg is handling the BP compensation fund, in much the same way as he has done before, following the 9/11 attacks and various mass tort situations. As the article notes, even […]
Conflict avoidance and mediation
It seems a natural instinct for some (most?) people to try to avoid conflict. They will excuse bad behavior, wait for things to get better on their own (with no real reason for a bad situation to improve), engage in denial, learn to live with it,make unreasonable compromises, etc., etc. Rarely does conflict avoidance lead […]
Conflict Resolution Interactive Skills Program (CRISP) – Part II
As I wrote about last time, last week I had the pleasure of participating in a daylong Summer Institute program presented by the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution (NE-ACR). We were treated to a rich day of skills building from StageCoach improv. Specifically, we were part of their Conflict Resolution Interactive […]
Conflict Resolution Interactive Skills Program (CRISP) — Part I
Last week, I had the pleasure of participating in a daylong Summer Institute program presented by the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution (NE-ACR). We were treated to a rich day of skills building from StageCoach improv. Specifically, we were part of their Conflict Resolution Interactive Skills Program (CRISP), a customized “set […]
Kenneth Feinberg: Mediator, Arbitrator, or Hybrid?
Kenneth Feinberg has been named as the independent administrator of the $20 billion fund BP has set up to compensate victims of the Gulf oil spill. After years in the thick of thorny, difficult issues, he was appointed as the special master of the federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund and later worked as a […]
“Aha” Moments in Mediation
Earlier this month, the Connecticut Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section enjoyed a presentation by Charlie Pillsbury and Brenda Cavanaugh about their role in the mediation of a dispute over Tweed New Haven Regional Airport. Brenda remains Associate Director at Community Mediation, Inc., of New Haven, CT. Charlie was Executive Director of Community Mediation, […]
Lions, Lambs, and Mediation Misconceptions
We’ve all heard about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb. Some think — mistakenly — that mediation is the same. They avoid mediation because they fear they are expected to come into it like a lion, in strength, and finish the process like a lamb, in weakness. In fact, […]
Thoughts on Mediation and “On Apology”, Part II
Tiger Woods’ recent mea culpa led to a number of comments and critiques. One of the most interesting analyses came in a New York Times article on Sunday, “I Apologize. No, Really, I’m Serious, I…” by Paul Vitello. In it, he notes the work of Dr. Aaron Lazare, the author of “On Apology”, which focuses […]
Thoughts on Mediation and “On Apology”, Part III
Tiger Woods’ recent mea culpa led to a number of comments and critiques. One of the most interesting analyses came in a New York Times article on Sunday, “I Apologize. No, Really, I’m Serious, I…” by Paul Vitello. In it, he notes the work of Dr. Aaron Lazare, the author of “On Apology”, which focuses […]