Last Monday, I had the pleasure of being an invited call-in guest on eastern Connecticut’s “Monday Night Sports Talk”, hosted by Tony D’Angelo and Bob Lazzari. Tony and Bob asked me to share my conflict resolution perspective on various sports items in the news. At the outset, Bob asked me to explain the difference among […]
TV Mediator: “Fairly [Fictional] Legal” – Part I
The new TV show “Fairly Legal” features a young woman mediator working in the San Francisco law firm that is being manged by her stepmother, in the wake of her father’s death. It’s TV, so beautiful locations, offices, and people are no surprise. But I do take issue with the suggestion that the main character, […]
A New Year’s Resolution With Lasting Benefits
Right about now, you can see the unrealistic New Year’s Resolutions start to fade away. (Anyone else notice how the fitness center crowds are thinning?) Make 2011 your year of the New Year’s Resolution with lasting benefits. Give yourself peace of mind through Conflict Resolution. Resolve to find a solution to the business dispute, estate […]
Administering, mediating and speed, transparency, and independence
I’ve written before about Kenneth Feinberg and and his work involving the BP Gulf oil spill. In today’s New York Times, an article by John Schwartz, “Comments By Overseer of BP Fund Irk Lawyers,” talks about a lawsuit filed by plaintiffs’ attorneys over statements Feinberg has made that encourage claimants to apply for compensation through […]
Mediation a Gamble? Part II
On September 19, 2010, the New York Times published an article titled “When Mortgage Mediation Is a Gamble” by Gretchen Morgenson. In it, she described some of the pitfalls of Nevada’s foreclosure mediation program. Most of the time we think of mediation as a low-risk endeavor: there isn’t much to lose in a process where […]
Mediation a Gamble? Part I
On September 19, 2010, the New York Times published an article titled “When Mortgage Mediation Is a Gamble” by Gretchen Morgenson. In it, she described some of the pitfalls of Nevada’s foreclosure mediation program. Most of the time we think of mediation as a low-risk endeavor: there isn’t much to lose in a process where […]
“Patience, persistence, and determination”
“Patience, persistence, and determination.” Those are the words used by Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell to describe how he will proceed in the Middle East Peace Process. Patience, persistence, and determination are the qualities that a mediator brings to a conflict. We work hard to get people in conflict to the table. […]
Berlin Bridge Mediation
A few days ago, NPR’s “Morning Edition” ran a story called “Tourists Seek Real Berlin on Bridge, Find Controversy.” As reporter Eric Westervelt summed it up, the residents who live near the bridge want a good night’s sleep and a better plan to manage the city’s “growing tourist industry and the local conflicts that success […]
Russian Mediation
We don’t always think of Russia as a nation with a strong emphasis on enlightened dispute resolution processes or a desire to craft conflict resolution procedures that embody respect and equality for participants. So, a recent online article in “The Voice of Russia” caught my eye. According to the July 30, 2010 article, a new […]
Mediation as TV drama?
TV pilots cover a wide range of topics; some reach production and some don’t. One that caught my eye actually involves mediation. describes it this way: Facing Kate (Drama, USA Network) A top litigator, frustrated with the bureaucracy and injustice she witnesses in the legal system, decides to become the ultimate anti-lawyer: a mediator. […]