Posts Tagged ‘mediation ethics’


Ethics in Mediation — Community Mediation, Inc. Basic Mediation Training

I am pleased to be teaching Ethics in Mediation next week, as part of Community Mediation, Inc.’s Basic Mediation Training. The 40 Hour Basic Mediation training runs from June 2 to June 6, 2014, at Community Mediation’s offices in Hamden, CT. Community Mediation, Inc., was established in 1980 and serves the Greater New Haven area. […]

“Ethical Issues in Mediation” CLE seminar on April 8

I was happy to agree to a request to put together a panel for a CLE seminar on mediation ethics, which may be of particular interest to attorneys in Connecticut who need New York State CLE credits (especially ethics credits.)  Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can provide more […]

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