I was scheduled to speak at Fowler Nursing Center, Guilford, CT on Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 7:00. That talk has been postponed as a precaution against H1N1. As Connecticut shoreline residents know, Guilford has been hard hit by H1N1. So many students have been struck by it, that school administrators decided to close Guilford […]
Presentation on Crisis Intervention in Elder Mediation
On October 22, 2009 I gave a presentation on Crisis Intervention in Elder Mediation at VNA Community Healthcare in Guildford, CT. This presentation was a “return engagement” in a sense: in April, I had given an overview of elder mediation, including how it fits into mediation as a field and how it fits into the […]
Elder mediators and geriatric care managers
Yesterday’s New York Times included an article by Lesley Alderman titled “When Elder Care Problems Escalate, You Can Hire an Expert.” The article described the valuable role that geriatric care managers can play in helping elderly loved ones age safely. When families need help with health assessments, living accommodations, medication management, attending doctors’ appointments, finding […]
Elder Mediation talk at Shoreline Eldercare Alliance (SEA)
Last week, I had the welcome opportunity to talk to the Shoreline Eldercare Alliance about elder mediation at their regular meeting in East Haven, Connecticut. The Shoreline Eldercare Alliance, or SEA, describes itself as “a group of ethical business owners and representatives of area organizations who provide senior adults and community members with information, resource […]