Today’s New York Times ran a front-page article titled, “Money Woes Can Be Early Clue to Alzheimer’s,” by Gina Kolata. In particular, the article focused on the impact of the beginning of dementia on families, financial advisors, and lawyers. Families struggle to keep their loved ones from becoming victims of fraud or simply failing to […]
New York Times blog, “The New Old Age”, runs piece on Elder Mediation
The New York Times blog, “The New Old Age”, ran a piece today on Elder Mediation. The piece, “When The Family Needs an Umpire”, by Joshua Tapper, described several scenarios where elder mediation can help a family through challenges relating to aging loved ones. The idea of a mediator as an “umpire” is not uncommon. […]
Information, Elder Mediation, and Difficult Decisions
Last week, the New York Times published an article by Jane E. Brody titled “Frank Talk About Care at Life’s End.” The article covered some of the thorny issues surrounding “the medical, humanitarian and economic value of helping terminally ill patients and and their families navigate treatment options as they approach the end of life.” […]
“It’s All About Aging”
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of meeting Anne Maxfield, the founder and chief visionary officer of It’s All About Aging, LLC. The name of the company and the company website,, really do say it all. There is loads of information, and more to come on all sorts of issues related to your […]
Elder Mediation presentation at Apple Rehab Guilford (CT)
On January 27, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., I will present a talk on Elder Mediation at Apple Rehab Guilford, 10 Boston Post Road, Guilford, CT. The program is free and open to the public and light refreshments will be served. To reserve your seat, please call Apple Rehab Guilford at (203) 453-3725. This interactive program […]
Shoreline Eldercare Alliance December presentation – Part II
Earlier this month, the Shoreline Eldercare Alliance (SEA) gave a presentation on loss and change at Peregrine’s Landing in Clinton, Connecticut. The evening featured excellent speakers and an attentive audience. The emphasis on “change” was an especially helpful one. It is easy to think of aging as simply decline and inevitably negative. This perspective reinforces […]
Shoreline Eldercare Alliance December presentation – Part I
Earlier this month, the Shoreline Eldercare Alliance (SEA) gave a presentation on loss and change at Peregrine’s Landing in Clinton, Connecticut. The evening included excellent speakers and an attentive audience. One of the points that hit home to me as a mediator was the perspective that our society has an especially difficult time discussing death. […]
Holidays and tough conversations – Part III
In Parts I and II, I wrote about the holidays as a time when families might be together face to face for the first time in a number of months. Changes that might not have been obvious on the telephone become clear or statements from a local sibling that Mom needs more help may be […]
Holidays and tough conversations – Part II
Last time, I wrote about the changes in an aging loved one’s emotional and physical health that family members might notice at the holidays. If a face-to-face holiday visit is the first one in a number of months, a decline in health may be both obvious and startling. The prospect of a difficult conversation can […]
Holidays and tough conversations – Part I
Today is Thanksgiving and some families are gathering together, face to face, for the first time in many months. The general press talks about how large a role family dynamics — or dysfunction — can play in these get-togethers. The holidays are also a time to witness change in an aging loved one. A physical […]