Posts Tagged ‘conflict resolution’


Conflict Resolution Interactive Skills Program (CRISP) – Part II

As I wrote about last time, last week I had the pleasure of participating in a daylong Summer Institute program presented by the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution (NE-ACR).  We were treated to a rich day of skills building from StageCoach improv. Specifically, we were part of their Conflict Resolution Interactive […]

Conflict Resolution Interactive Skills Program (CRISP) — Part I

Last week, I had the pleasure of participating in a daylong Summer Institute program presented by the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution (NE-ACR).  We were treated to a rich day of skills building from StageCoach improv. Specifically, we were part of their Conflict Resolution Interactive Skills Program (CRISP), a customized “set […]

Greece, the European Union, and Conflict Resolution

The saga of Greece and the European Union (EU) has attracted lots of analysis and opinion.  Continuing to look at the situation from the conflict management perspective, now it’s time to move past conflict prevention and conflict reduction to conflict resolution. When the financial woes of  Greece took center stage, the economically stronger members of […]

Greece, the European Union, and Conflict Reduction

Last time, I wrote from the conflict prevention perspective about the tough situation facing Greece and the European Union (EU).  Assume for a moment that Greece’s admission to the EU was premature or simply not a good idea at the time, and that the decision was made nonetheless. Still, there were opportunities — missed — […]

Greece, the European Union, and Conflict Prevention

Much has been said and written about the difficult situation that Greece and the European Union (EU) face.   I see it from the perspective of conflict prevention, conflict reduction, and conflict resolution. Regarding conflict prevention, there is talk that Greece was admitted to the EU before it was politically, and perhaps politically, ready.  But that […]

Election to Board of Directors of Assn. for Conflict Resolution (ACR) — New England Chapter

I am honored and humbled by my election to the Board of Directors of the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution.   The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) is the international professional organization for mediators. The New England Chapter of ACR  (NE-ACR) serves mediators (as well as facilitators and arbitrators) in the New […]

April 2 is Reconciliation Day

Each year, April 2 is recognized as Reconciliation Day.   The idea was launched by Ann Landers, the late advice columnist, who saw that mending fences — even if those fences had been broken for a long time — could be a good thing for those involved. Conflict resolution can involve reconciliation, a clean break, or […]

Lions, Lambs, and Mediation Misconceptions

We’ve all heard about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb. Some think — mistakenly — that mediation is the same.  They avoid mediation because they fear they are expected to come into it like a lion, in strength,  and finish the process like a lamb, in weakness. In fact, […]

Mediation vs. Arbitration: who is in control?

Sometimes one party to a dispute contacts me to pursue mediation, fully convinced that the mediation process is the right way to resolve a conflict as effectively as possible. At times, another party to that dispute is reluctant to pursue mediation and asks me to serve as an arbitrator. Most people have had little or […]

“ADR” vs. “DR”

“ADR” is short for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Lawyers, in particular, know the term as one that describes alternatives to litigation. ADR certainly includes arbitration and mediation, and may be used to include certain types of fact-finding, negotiation, facilitation and related processes for conflict resolution. “DR” stands for Dispute Resolution. This term is an explicit recognition […]

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