Posts Tagged ‘conflict resolution’


University of New Haven Dispute Resolution courses

The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) course that I am teaching  this term is a part of the University’s Legal Studies program. The program has three concentrations, including Dispute Resolution. The term “Alternative Dispute Resolution” is criticized at times for being inaccurate: if the vast majority of litigated cases are resolved in some fashion before a […]

University of New Haven Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Course

This term I am teaching a course at the University of New Haven, “Alternative Dispute Resolution: Models and Practice.”  It is a survey course that gives students a taste of different ADR processes: some background in conflict management, mediation, negotiation, arbitration, and restorative justice.  It’s a pleasure to look at these processes from a more […]

A New Year’s Resolution With Lasting Benefits

Right about now, you can see the unrealistic New Year’s Resolutions start to fade away. (Anyone else notice how the fitness center crowds are thinning?) Make 2011 your year of the New Year’s Resolution with lasting benefits. Give yourself peace of mind through Conflict Resolution. Resolve to find a solution to the business dispute, estate […]

Conflict resolution: gray areas and gray matter

When parties find themselves in conflict and begin to think about resolution of that conflict, they may be just starting to view the dispute with more input from their reason than their emotions. When we are caught up in a conflict for some time,we can fall into demonizing the other side and we can become […]

Conflict Resolution Day

The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) is the professional organization for mediators. Each year, ACR celebrates Conflict Resolution Day on the third Thursday of October. This year, that’s today, October 21. To quote ACR: “Conflict Resolution Day was conceived in 2005 by ACR to: • Promote awareness of mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other creative, peaceful […]

“Patience, persistence, and determination”

“Patience, persistence, and determination.” Those are the words used by Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell to describe how he will proceed in the Middle East Peace Process. Patience, persistence, and determination are the qualities that a mediator brings to a conflict. We work hard to get people in conflict to the table. […]

Information, Elder Mediation, and Difficult Decisions

Last week, the New York Times published an article by Jane E. Brody titled “Frank Talk About Care at Life’s End.”  The article covered some of the thorny issues surrounding “the medical, humanitarian and economic value of helping terminally ill patients and and their families navigate treatment options as they approach the  end of life.”  […]

Mediator, Negotiator, Diplomat?

The upcoming “direct talks” in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process are in the news.  Some stories reference “mediators”, some “negotiators”, some “diplomats”.  So what’s in a name? Does it matter what the people are called? In these high profile situations, it seems at times that the connotation of a word can mean as much as the […]

Berlin Bridge Mediation

A few days ago, NPR’s “Morning Edition” ran a story called “Tourists Seek Real Berlin on Bridge, Find Controversy.”  As reporter Eric Westervelt summed it up, the residents who live near the bridge want a good night’s sleep and a better plan to manage the city’s “growing tourist industry and the local conflicts that success […]

Russian Mediation

We don’t always think of Russia as a nation with a strong emphasis on enlightened dispute resolution processes or a desire to craft conflict resolution procedures that embody respect and equality for participants. So, a recent online article in “The Voice of Russia” caught my eye. According to the July 30, 2010 article, a new […]

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