As I wrote last time, ten days ago, Joe Nocera wrote an article for the New York Times Business section titled “Justice, Without The System.” In it, he described an interview he had with Kenneth R. Feinberg about Feinberg’s work related to the BP oil spill in the Gulf and claims made against the company […]
“Czar”, “Administrator”, but not “Mediator”
Ten days ago, Joe Nocera wrote an article for the New York Times Business section titled “Justice, Without The System.” In it, he described an interview he had with Kenneth R. Feinberg about Feinberg’s work related to the BP oil spill in the Gulf and claims made against the company for damages. Over and over […]
Election to Board of Directors of Assn. for Conflict Resolution (ACR) — New England Chapter
I am honored and humbled by my election to the Board of Directors of the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution. The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) is the international professional organization for mediators. The New England Chapter of ACR (NE-ACR) serves mediators (as well as facilitators and arbitrators) in the New […]
“ADR” in Haiti?
A NPR radio interview today was discussing the current, as well as pre-quake, legal system in Haiti. It has its fair share of challenges, and then some. What caught my ear was a question about whether efforts to address the legal questions that arise in the camps of displaced people, in the rebuilding efforts, and […]
“ADR” vs. “DR”
“ADR” is short for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Lawyers, in particular, know the term as one that describes alternatives to litigation. ADR certainly includes arbitration and mediation, and may be used to include certain types of fact-finding, negotiation, facilitation and related processes for conflict resolution. “DR” stands for Dispute Resolution. This term is an explicit recognition […]