Posts Tagged ‘ADR’


Mediation is NOT arbitration

Arbitration has been getting some bad press lately. Plenty of it is deserved. But don’t tar mediation with the same brush!!   Mediation and arbitration are both alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes using neutrals (as we call ourselves.) But they have different approaches.   An arbitrator decides winners and losers. Most of the recent bad […]

“Bar Chat” interview about Mediation, ADR

On June 1, 2105, the Connecticut Bar Association published a new episode of “Bar Chat”, its series of interviews about issues of interest to bar association members.  That segment featured Peter Benner, a former chair of the CBA Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section, and me, a former co-chair. We were interviewed by Doug Brown, executive […]

“Correcting a Few Common Misconceptions: ADR can address more type of conflict than commonly believed”– published in Connecticut Law Tribune

Correcting a Few Common Misconceptions: ADR can address more types of conflict than is commonly believed Jane Beddall, The Connecticut Law Tribune December 15, 2014   Some attorneys—and clients—are sophisticated users of alternative dispute resolution who have mastered all the options and nuances. Beyond those two groups are attorneys and clients whose understanding of ADR […]

“Why every attorney should consider ADR” — my article published in the Conn. Law Tribune

On February 26, 2014, the Connecticut Law Tribune published my article, “Why every attorney should consider ADR.”  As I hope the title suggests, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an option that every attorney should consider — not just those in specific practice areas where mediation and arbitration have been common for some time. Sometimes, clients […]

Two Kinds of “Resolutions”

Throughout the year, my thoughts are on conflict resolution. Most of my work involves mediation, the type of conflict or dispute “resolution” where a dispute has come to a head and needs to be resolved effectively. Yet this time of year we hear a lot about New Year’s Resolutions. This type of “resolution” is more […]

Appointment as co-chair of the CT Bar Assn. ADR Section

Earlier this month, I was appointed by the President of the Connecticut Bar Association to co-chair (along with Jay Sandak of Stamford) the CBA  Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section. The section includes attorneys who work as arbitrators, mediators, facilitators, academics, systems designers, and for not-for-profits. As stated in the section’s description on the CBA website: […]

Connecticut ADR

The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section of the Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) met this evening. A group of attorneys who are also mediators and arbitrators discussed a variety of topics. The one that grabbed my attention was the essential idea (often raised) that the actual people or organizations in a dispute may be poorly served […]

TV Mediator: “Fairly [Fictional] Legal” – Part II

Last time I wrote about the new TV show “Fairly Legal” inaccurately portraying mediators (or at least, this particular star of the only TV show about mediation to date) as hating lawyers and the law. The wildly atypical glamor of this mediator’s life we can chalk up to TV, but this misconception about mediation and […]

University of New Haven Dispute Resolution courses

The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) course that I am teaching  this term is a part of the University’s Legal Studies program. The program has three concentrations, including Dispute Resolution. The term “Alternative Dispute Resolution” is criticized at times for being inaccurate: if the vast majority of litigated cases are resolved in some fashion before a […]

University of New Haven Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Course

This term I am teaching a course at the University of New Haven, “Alternative Dispute Resolution: Models and Practice.”  It is a survey course that gives students a taste of different ADR processes: some background in conflict management, mediation, negotiation, arbitration, and restorative justice.  It’s a pleasure to look at these processes from a more […]

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