On Wednesday, October 17, at 5:30, the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution (NE-ACR) will present its fall program in Wellesley, MA. This time, it’s a panel discussion on “Conflict, Consensus, and Leadership in the Political Debate.” Lorraine Della Porta, of the Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration, will moderate. The panelists will be Joni Doherty, of the New England Center for Civic Life, Mari Fitzduff, of the International Master of Arts Program in Coexistence and Conflict at Brandeis University, and Susan Podziba public policy mediator and author of “Civic Fusion: Mediating Polarized Public Disputes.”
We’re looking forward to a timely and thought-provoking program. As President of NE-ACR, I tip my hat to the program committee for their work to put this program together. There is more information on NE-ACR and the program here: www.neacr.org.